I’ve been listening to another nonfiction book: The Icarus Deception, How High Will You Fly? By Seth Godin. It’s a bit interesting to read a book with the advantage of time. This book was published in 2012, and is addressed to the state of the world at that time. There are subtle references to the market crash of 2008, but a lot of the book remains relevant today.
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the publisher or author, and am receiving no compensation for writing this article
The Icarus Deception
Let’s start with Icarus. In Greek mythology, Icarus was Daedalus’ son. (Daedalus created the Labyrinth for King Minos before being imprisoned there himself.) He created wings from wax and feathers to help himself and his son, Icarus, escape. Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high or too low. Icarus got excited and flew too close to the sun, which melted the wax wings, causing him to fall to the sea and drown.
Seth Godin points out that this tale is used as a warning of over-ambition meant to encourage obedience and conformity in the industrial economy. He wrote that Icarus was also warned not to fly too low or the seawater would ruin the lift in his wings, but no one talks about that part of the story.
Godin makes a distinction between the safety zone and the comfort zone. He asserts that the safety zone moved, requiring us to move beyond our comfort zone.
He encourages us each to create art by connecting with those around us, regardless of the context or details. “Connection happens when humanity asserts itself.”
Seth encourages his readers to “pick themselves” instead of waiting to be chosen by the system.
I found the book had an interesting perspective, and expansive definition of what it means to create art. I encourage you to check it out yourself!
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