Let’s talk about “mom shaming” and “mom guilt” or “mommy guilt” or whatever you want to call it. Here’s the thing: being a mom can be HARD.
I don’t care if you’re a stay at home mom, or a work from home mom, or a working mom. No matter what your situation, being responsible for the wellbeing of kids, and trying to make the best choices on their behalf can be overwhelming. Not to mention riddled with uncertainty. And based on Google’s search volume of the term “mommy guilt,” I think we are already beating ourselves up about not doing a “good enough” job. But then, to add insult to injury, mom shaming enters the arena and reinforces the idea that no matter how hard we try we can’t get it right.
I want to put a disclaimer that child abuse and other horrific things do happen, and I’m not condoning that at all. If that is your situation, please seek whatever help you need. But that’s not what we are discussing here.
Mommy Guilt
Stay at home moms feel guilty for losing their patience after being at the beck and call of a toddler for 12 hours straight. (We should always be a happy ray of sunshine, right?!) Or because they aren’t contributing to their family financially. Or because they weren’t present enough with their kids…The list goes on.
Working moms feel guilty because they aren’t home with their kids all the time. They are worried they are missing out, or that their kids are. They feel guilty for asking for (or hiring) help.
Can we all just stop?
Everyone has their own struggles. Everyone is just trying to make the best decisions they can for their situation and their family.
What if we all encouraged each other instead of tearing each other down for making different choices? What if we gave grace to ourselves and to each other? Can we acknowledge that we are all just trying to do what’s best for our family?
To the mom staying at home with her littles, hoping to create memories. You’re doing better than you think you are.
To the mom who works out of the home, hoping to create a better life for your family. You’re doing better than you think you are.
To the mom working from home, hoping for the best of both worlds. You’re doing better than you think you are.
You are your child’s mom for a reason. Be the best version of yourself, whatever that looks like for you.